Partial outage for admin activity
Incident Report for Templafy
Today, April 16th, we had an issue with our automatic backup process not running as expected. The automatic backups failed to succeed due to issues with allocating memory space on our servers. This affected a smaller number of Templafy tenants and only admins of those tenants. These admins could not perform some of their admin activities.

The issue was resolved at 10:46. A small number of admins may still experience some outage for admin activities after this time as the backup queue processes.

The queue of failed backups processed slowly, so as a part of our solution, we have upgraded our processing power to be able to scale this better in the future. This will improve the speed of processing backups overall moving forward. To improve our processes around backups we will optimize our alert systems.

We apologies for the inconvenience and interrupted workflow for any affected admins.
Posted Apr 16, 2020 - 12:37 CEST
This incident affected: Templafy One (WebApp).